Save the date, because Carsen Young and Ulysses Lee invite you to travel to a beautiful, seaside castle in a far away kingdom to join our magical fairytale as we get married on June 11, 2023.

Our Love Story (so far...)

How we met

A simple swipe to the right can change your life. That's how it started for us; swipe and match. Those first few messages attempting to make inevitably awkward conversation with someone you've never met before quickly became daily communication despite 100 miles of physical space separating us. With Uly's job keeping him all over the world, actually meeting in person took a few months, but only once in that time did 24 hours pass without us chatting a bit.

Falling in Love

From the first in-person meeting on the sidewalk of Cary St in Shockoe Bottom we navigated our crazy schedules to find time to spend together. From picnics and pottery classes around town to greeting the morning sun from the inner circle of Stonehenge, there were plenty of adventures to go on together. Then the pandemic hit and we got a taste of having to discover adventures around the house. Building a fire pit in the backyard can be as exciting as walking the strip in Vegas, when you're together.

The United States Capitol Building, Washington DC

The Proposal

In August of 2021, we set out one morning to have a luxury picnic breakfast at Libby Hill Park. What Uly didn't know was that there was a ring in Carsen's pocket. A moment to take in the view turned into a proposal followed by a photoshoot with a professional photographer and a beautiful luxury picnic which gave us lots of time to get started brainstorming and planning for this wedding. Read more about the proposal from each of our points of view in this blog post from the photographer.


Initially planning to wait until "COVID is over," we soon realized that wasn't going to happen and it was time to begin really planning in earnest. We have searched from one coast to the other to find the perfect fairytale venue and we're excited to iron out all the details to make this a wedding to remember! We'll be posting relevant information here so bookmark this site to stay up to date on the latest.